Get your Christmas email signatures in 24h!

Get your Christmas email signatures in 24h!

Christmas is coming! Do you want to customize your company email signatures and promote a Christmas campaign or deliver a customized message to your customers?

The best way to do this is to create Christmas email signatures with christmas images and festive messages.

Exclaimer Cloud is the email signature management solution that allows you to create email signatures according to your corporate branding and also customize them with information about the services and solutions your company provides.


Promotional banners
If your company is preparing to launch a Christmas campaign or want to organize an event, how about promoting them through a promotional banner?

The Exclaimer Cloud allows you to add dynamic promotional banners, with links, which will be visible on all devices, including mobile phones.



Always up to date
Another interesting feature provided by Exclaimer Cloud is the possibility to schedule the activation of email signatures.

This option is perfect for Christmas campaigns as it ensures that the subscription is not applied outside the intended timing. This way, after the specified time interval, the signature automatically returns to its previous state.

Exclaimer signatures

Add information about your opening hours
Now it's really easy to inform your customers of opening hours changes.
You can simply add a line of text to your signature.

Create your Christmas email signatures now!
Talk to us and in just 24 hours, give your email signatures another life!